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Watch Muhammad Ali fight in an Immersive Restaging of the Rumble in the Jungle

Watch Muhammad Ali fight in an Immersive Restaging of the Rumble in the Jungle

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London loves a good immersive experience, and so do we. But making one out of the Rumble in the Jungle… that just upped the whole game.

We’ve seen rebellions in the Star Wars universe, we’ve taken voyages into outer space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, we’ve solved riddles and sipped cocktails with Sherlock Holmes. 

But one thing we never knew we wanted until we heard it was happening, was to attend the Rumble in the Jungle. 

That, incase you don’t remember, was the heavyweight battle between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali, so called because they fought in the Congo – then, Zaire. 

Immersive-stage company, Rematch, have just this fight in mind for their next project. And it kicks off on the 22nd of February. 

What Can We Expect? 

Rumble in the Jungle - Muhammad Ali
(c) Ken Regan

Rematch are taking over Seymour Hall and turning it into Kinshasa circa 1974. And they aim to make it a pretty all-round experience.

That means that other than watching a staged rematch of the big fight, you’ll be able to taste food from the region and the hall will be decorated with the art of the Congo – the kind of stuff that would have been on the walls at the Rumble. 

Music will also play a big part in the experience. As will, we’re sure, the noise of the crowd chanting Ali bomaye! – Kill him Ali – all dressed in the clothes of 70’s Kinhasa. 

The show itself takes you from Ali’s legendary trash talking, to the rope-and-dope, and (spoiler alert) Ali’s underdog victory. 

Why Else Should I Be Interested?

Rumble in the Jungle - Muhammad Ali
(c) James Loxley

This was the fight of the century. It was watched by nearly a quarter of the world’s population and birthed some of the most iconic moments in sporting history. 

The reason they had to fight in the Congo was majorly politically charged. Ali was in the midst of a fighting ban for refusing the draft to Vietnam, and therefore couldn’t fight in America. 

Given American race relations at the time, this was hella significant.

And back in the present day, Rematch’s most recent staging of the 1980’s Wimbledon final was an utter sell out. It sounds like they take the whole true-to-life thing very seriously.  

Kinhasa in the 70’s was under the rule of Mobutu Sese Seko, a pretty brutal dictator. It’s said that the floor of the arena of Rumble in the Jungle was stained with the blood of political prisoners that had been executed there the week before. 

We wonder if Rematch will add that touch…

Rumble in the Jungle Experience: Practical Information

Performances start on the 22nd of February.

Address: Seymour Hall, Seymour Pl, London W1H 5TJ

You can get tickets here

Rumble in the Jungle Experience: Map

Camden Passage
Time to Explore: Camden Passage, Islington
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